Sri Wijayawardeneramaya Udamba,Siyambalapitiya,Kegalle
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Ven Bangladesh Dhammarakkhita Bhikku
Chief Incumbent Sri Wijawardeneramaya,
Udamba Simyambalapitiya,Kegalle.
(Director of AWSDF)
Albert Wijewardana Foundation of Sasana Development, is located at UdambaSiyambalapitiya in Kegalle, Sabaragamuwa Province of SriLanka.
This foundation was registered on 24th May 2001 on the Voluntary Social Service Organization under Act no 31 of 1980 and as amended no. 08 of 1998 registered by the number SABARA/KG/45/5 Organization / 463.
This Foundation is also registered under the Divisional Secretariat, Kegalle ( Government Agent). His Excellency , the Ambassador of Thailand Mr. TakurPhaint was the chief guest at the opening ceremony of this foundation on the 12Th of March 2000.
The main purpose of this foundation are given below, · To develop the social and cultural affairs between Bangladesh and SriLankan indigenous people under this development program, as well as to development the lifestyle and the social standards of poor people living in remote areas in Kegalle district. · On the other hand to work together in corporation with people of other religions to maintain peace and harmony among the two nations. · Another important factor is to build up a strong meaningful economy by exchanging ideas and traditional customs pertaining to Bangladesh and SriLankan minorities. We wish to take this information to global level , to get aids o build up a reasonable funds for the future development activities. After all we would organize a comprehensive project program for the countries contributing.
Therefore we would like to submit the above information for your esteem establishment for perusal.
Boarb of Trustees.........of AWSDF with Maha Sangha
His Excellency Thakur Phanit elaborating Thai-Lanka Friendship from the days of ancient to the modem
Heartiest Welcoming Hts Excellency Thakur Phanit Ambassador of Royal Thailand Mrs A Wijayawardene the donors of Sri Wijayawardeneramaya
Auspicioussly lighting of oil the inauguration of AWSDF. Thakur phanit Ambassadar of Thailand and Jayampathy B Navaratne Manager Commercial Bank Kagalle Branch,Mrs. Albert Wijayawardene Founder member of AWSDF and Sri Wijayawardeneramaya